Jacksonville Marine Charities, Inc. is committed to providing an outstanding fishing tournament, the Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament, which will promote and encourage marine conservation; create, preserve, and maintain fishing habitats, both natural and artificial; promote public access to such facilities; and foster education with regard to marine science and research.
Jacksonville Marine Charities, Inc., the 501 c(3) organization behind the Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament, evolved through the success of the GJKT and utilizes its proceeds to support marine science research, preservation, and education. The Board’s criteria for funding a project is strict. It must be marine-oriented and overseen or proposed by other non-profit groups. The effects of these donations are far-reaching and benefit, not only Jacksonville and the First Coast, but also the entire state of Florida.
Over the past 44 years, Jacksonville Marine Charities, Inc. has donated over $650,000 to the First Coast Community.
JMC is proud to support a variety of marine-focused charitable programs within the community including:
Jacksonville Offshore Fishing Club’s Reef Projects,
St. Johns Riverkeeper,
Safe Harbor Boys Home.
Host the ‘Down at the Dock’ Fishing Derby in partnership with the Down Syndrome Association of Jacksonville
Support of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission
Advocate of coastal conservation along with CCA of Florida
Jacksonville School for Autism Flounder Pounder Fishing Tournament
Jacksonville Sail & Power Squadion
Northeast Florida Women Veterans
The Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament & Festival itself, however, remains Jacksonville Marine Charities’ greatest gift to the First Coast community. Our annual economic impact is almost $12 million.